Mid Bb Goldfinch Whistle, The Pipers Favourite, is very versatile and strong, with a medium diameter bore in the Goldfinch tin whistle and low whistle arsenal. Bb is a popular key for (bag)pipes, so it is a perfect choice if one plans to play along. The whistles notes are rich in timbre and well balanced accross the octaves. Due to the close hole positioning, their large size and a little backpressure, it combines the swiftness and low air requirements of a pennywhistle with the dynamics and the tone of a low whistle, while pipers grip is optional. Furthermore, the hole size facilitate half-holing techniques for those, who wish to expand the scale. Mid Bb fits Celtic music, with enough punch to underline the pulse of a reel, and other genres exceptionally well.
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What I find significant in Goldfinch Whistles is the capability of free, effortless playing in the “ups”, from the half of the second octave up to the third (from a2 to e3) while the sound quality of the lower register remains solid.
The sound is interesting and complex enough that is works beautifully amplified, recorded or purely acoustically. In fact my colleagues like the sound so much that we have transposed other sets just so we can keep using it.
The tone of my favourite models mid Bb and low F complement the saxophone perfectly, they are excellent in musical experiments across different genres.
There is no great gap between the lower and higher notes in pressure. Many experienced players appreciate it. Apart from that, the responsiveness, sweet tone and the whistle’s unique character are of utmost importance to me.
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